Our Approach
My story
A Yorkshire lass living in Glasgow, I sit at my desk overlooking our garden where I watch the birds dine from seed feeders which empty at an alarming rate. I am an enthusiastic, though poor, photographer which tempts me away from my writing as I attempt to capture the kind of shot you see on wildlife calendars. Which isn’t very constructive when trying to make my story come alive.
Before becoming a writer, I was a nurse, a midwife and a crafter. Yet, I’ve always written things down - letters, the odd story, attempts at journal writing and poetry - so a couple of years ago I decided to start a new adventure and make writing my dedicated ‘job’.
After several years and numerous revisions, I am chuffed to bits that my debut novel for teenagers, Oranges and Lemons, is finally coming to a bookshop near you. Soon. I hope you’ll love it.
Our Story
Coming Soon...
...creating Jessifer Jordan the protagonist of Oranges and Lemons...