Upcoming Events

Bishopbriggs Library

This event has been cancelled due to coronavirus. I hope to reschedule for the autumn.


I'll be giving a talk about my book at Bishopbriggs Library on Wed 1st April, 2020

from 6.30pm till 7.30pm

Please come along and say hello. I'll be delighted to see new and familiar faces alike!

WHS York

Book Signing Event

I will be doing a book signing in WHS, Coney Street, York on:

Saturday 18th April

from 12pm till 5pm.

Come along and say hello! I'll be delighted to see you and chat about Oranges and Lemons.

Store Address:
39 - 41 Coney Street, York YO1 9QL


Previous Events

Thanks to everyone who came along, I hope you enjoyed it!

Haxby, York, 23rd February, 2020

Unfolding a Story talk

Talk and book signing poster for St Margaret Clitherow, Haxby, York 23 Feb 2020Haxby

Local Writers' Showcase, 22nd November 2019

signing books
Book week scotland november 2019 bishopbriggs librabry

Unfolding a Story talk, Westerton Library, Bearsden, 25th November, 2019

Westerton library 25 Nov 2019 Paula andrews

Your event?

Please get in touch if you would like me to come along to a bookshop, library or school near you.