My first YA novel, Oranges and Lemons, will be published this autumn. Look out for news on this page, including a sneak preview of the cover illustration, coming soon. The story is a ‘light’ ghost story, based in York, where I grew up. The main character is the slightly bohemian Jessifer Jordan who is an unusual 14- year-old. So, what makes her unusual? Well, she has a pet rat called Jupiter, for starters. Her fashion sense is at times retro, seen in her love of selected cast-offs of her great aunt’s, such as a dark paisley print silk scarf, and a long, black, snuggly cardigan. What’s more, her parents and big sister all died tragically, years ago, in a gas explosion.
Can’t wait for your book to come out Paula x
Thanks, Micha! Tell everyone you know! x